Serpenthelm island

Serpenthelm is one of the few islands that can be accessed by both pirates and mainlanders. At Castle rose you can do a trade, buy a rose, purchase a brown horse or get married. To access Castle rose a player must have a Rose gate pass, which you can buy at the gate for 500gp. The rest of the island can be accessed without a pass, but beware the creature auto attacks as you travel past the Singing River..

Click on a location in the map below for more information about that location, e.g. cityoptions and creatures.

Rose mines Thick jungle Jungles edge The singing river Burning beach Castle rose Rose gates

Special events

Habitat of creatures

The following creatures live on this map. They can be fought in single/mixed combat training, as autoattack and/or as groupfighting spawn.

Can be reached from

Xanso, Mezno island
Costs: 250gp
Mezno island
Port Calviny, Exrollia
Costs: 75gp
Bidou docks, Calmere Island
Costs: 1000gp
Travelling to Burning beach is free if you have a Long boat
Calmere Island
Contacting us

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- The Market place on the Syrnia Forums now display on our front page!

2025-01-18 Mr Tiddles

- You can now view your yearly exp gains when logged in after looking at your Records

2025-01-11 Mr Tiddles

- Fixed an issue with the max hit calculater not being correct!

2025-01-08 mazrim taim

- Fixed a bug where the Cooking Calculator logged users out

2025-01-07 Mr Tiddles

- A new snow code has been added with alot less lag! Also on player scores page the pop up option works again!

2024-12-11 mazrim taim