Joiners/Leavers tool

This page shows a list of players that have changed clan in the week you have selected. Only clan changes of players that have logged in in the past 14 days (at the time of updating this tool) can be shown. Inactive members that are kicked/deleted from a clan are removed from the clans at the sunday night wipe at 00:00. The global joiners/leavers tool updates every hour. You can order the table by clicking on a column head. Click twice to order it in reverse.
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Hall of Shame Clan-Hoppers!

Player Old clan New clan
00hed Clanless [CFH]
adik Clanless [Arch]
Aetris Clanless [TLO]
Akkarin Clanless [~ADV~]
albifool Clanless [Rum]
Alex Clanless [O.G.]
Alissera Clanless [=A=]
Amon Ra Clanless [Arch]
Amr Clanless [World]
amrytje Clanless [Corps]
Angelblue Clanless [CLEAN]
Angelo the Mage Clanless [Cyber]
Aragon Clanless [SWC]
arche Clanless [Moria]
Arioch Clanless [CLEAN]
Arivae Clanless [TLO]
assos Clanless [SWC]
Atto Clanless [-^-]
aussiebeast Clanless [~FoS~]
Ayna Clanless [Pond]
Azrael Clanless [Corps]
a_f_c Clanless [~FoS~]
badger Clanless [~CR~]
Balcarres Clanless [Hobos]
Bam Clanless [C.]
Baspall Clanless [TLO]
Bcnu Clanless [V.I.P]
bdwhite34 Clanless [SWC]
bellabell3 Clanless [CLEAN]
Bellator Clanless [CLEAN]
Bellmont Clanless [~FoS~]
Beowulf Clanless [OLDER]
Bex Clanless [TLO]
bigdavedee Clanless [SRN]
Bigtex1991 Clanless [*ATF*]
Billse Clanless [US]
Bizkiteater Clanless [Hobos]
Black Wolf Clanless [V.I.P]
Blackout Vision Clanless [~ADV~]
Blaidd_Drwg Clanless [TxN]
blessit Clanless [Unity]
Bliss Clanless [Choob]
Bloodshed91 Clanless [Arch]
BLOODYSKY Clanless [Drunk]
blubbber Clanless [Arch]
Bob Sausage Clanless [~FoS~]
bob5525 Clanless [CLEAN]
bobbothegreat Clanless [CLEAN]
BobtheFisherman Clanless [CLEAN]
Bock Clanless [~FoS~]
Bombers Clanless [Nem]
Borneo Clanless [C.]
boss_hogg Clanless [Choob]
BradaighsFrogs Clanless [*TF*]
Brandon Clanless [Corps]
Bratuuu Clanless [CLEAN]
breeze Clanless [FUBAS]
Brina Clanless [-OLD-]
brokelad Clanless [Arch]
Brom Clanless [Choob]
Brown_Bear Clanless [~FoS~]
Brydon Clanless [TLO]
Brystin Clanless [CLEAN]
bshrom Clanless [C.]
burge55 Clanless [Moria]
Burnt Cod Clanless [O.G.]
bwesty Clanless [Arch]
By Tor Clanless [~FoS~]
cafi Clanless [~ADV~]
Captain Morgan Clanless [Rum]
Cari Clanless [TLO]
Carle The Vampire Clanless [Elves]
cauvongcvc Clanless [Cloud]
Ceba Clanless [O.G.]
chadRN Clanless [~FoS~]
chanmr Clanless [Cyber]
chaosgothic Clanless [CLEAN]
charlesc83 Clanless [night]
Chase Miracleborn Clanless [C.]
Chazo Clanless [O.G.]
Cheiron Clanless [Arch]
Chickenhawk Clanless [Dead]
Chornaya Clanless [CLEAN]
Clydex Clanless [*TF*]
COBLAD Clanless [Corps]
Common Sense Clanless [~FoS~]
Con Clanless [Moria]
Copan Clanless [TFM]
Cousin Bubba Clanless [CLEAN]
Cracker0509 Clanless [~FoS~]
Cradle Clanless [TLO]
CrazyHorse Clanless [Pond]
daniels Clanless [-^-]
Darenth Clanless [Arch]
Dark Mercenary Clanless [~EF5~]
darkangelion Clanless [*TF*]
DarkRider64 Clanless [Vibes]
Darren Clanless [~FoS~]
dasckoe Clanless [ExRo]
data Clanless [~FoS~]
Davey Jones Clanless [CFH]
Da_Mole Clanless [TLO]
deathspank Clanless [Arch]
Deccapio Clanless [-10-]
Deimos Clanless [~FoS~]
Deniz Clanless [CLEAN]
devildog Clanless [Cyber]
diabloii Clanless [^GL^]
DiamondDemon Clanless [V.I.P]
DigitalJester Clanless [Corps]
dolmarion Clanless [~FoS~]
Dommu Clanless [TLO]
Dread Clanless [~FoS~]
Dregozone Clanless [Snake]
Dubh Clanless [Sane?]
Durins_Bane Clanless [Moria]
Edam Clanless [Arch]
Edge Clanless [~FoS~]
Egg Clanless [CLEAN]
ela Clanless [TLO]
Elar Clanless [-TL-]
Elbaroda Clanless [~CR~]
elftron Clanless [*TF*]
Emsarrev Clanless [Corps]
Esentic Clanless [InGen]
ExcessBadger Clanless [Karma]
Fat Thumbs Clanless [CLEAN]
Fearn Clanless [Santa]
finfin2274 Clanless [Corps]
fixed Clanless [~FoS~]
Flipper Clanless [CFH]
Foxy Clanless [~one~]
fraggelmupp Clanless [TLO]
Freakshow Clanless [Pond]
freddo814 Clanless [Manc]
Fruitbat Clanless [Dead]
G Bob Clanless [TLO]
Gardenia Clanless [Cloud]
Gargonite Clanless [TSoH]
Gaz Clanless [Arch]
gazman47 Clanless [CFH]
GenghisBlond Clanless [LBF]
GENIUSTM Clanless [Moria]
ghstennis Clanless [CFH]
Gilly Clanless [CLEAN]
giZmo Clanless [CLEAN]
Glenn Clanless [*TF*]
Glorgg Clanless [Glrg]
Gnarly Clanless [~CR~]
GODofLIGHT Clanless [~FoS~]
Godshand Clanless [~FaM~]
Goosh Clanless [TLO]
gr4yw0lf Clanless [~FoS~]
GreatScottie Clanless [~FoS~]
Greensky Clanless [Drunk]
Greg Clanless [~FoS~]
Grim Clanless [C.]
Grix Clanless [Moria]
gurlygurl Clanless [Tasty]
Guts Clanless [CFH]
Hagar Clanless [Fangz]
Hidklad Clanless [Arch]
hijohn23 Clanless [Elves]
ICE Clanless [CLEAN]
Icguy Clanless [~EF5~]
Ignis Vi Clanless [Arch]
Impact Clanless [Elite]
Infinity Clanless [Corps]
Inverse Clanless [-^-]
iota Clanless [-^-]
Isaac Clanless [Karma]
Isfahel Clanless [^GL^]
J Nasty Clanless [Arch]
jamestowner Clanless [Choob]
Jamha Clanless [*TF*]
Jeep Life Clanless [CLEAN]
Jeffamere Clanless [~ADV~]
Jeffreyj Clanless [Pond]
Jeno Clanless [CLEAN]
Jim Clanless [C.]
JLo Clanless [Arch]
Johan Clanless [~FoS~]
John Clanless [~FoS~]
John1 Clanless [CLEAN]
Jolitoraxable Clanless [Rum]
Jorman Clanless [~FaM~]
journal Clanless [-AI-]
JoveS Clanless [-TL-]
JoWickerman Clanless [O.G.]
JR III Clanless [O.G.]
JThrillz Clanless [Dead]
Kabeb Clanless [Manc]
kailas Clanless [CLEAN]
kaoz Clanless [Vibes]
Karmatiic Clanless [UnOa]
kazz Clanless [~FoS~]
Kevalaa Clanless [Manc]
KGR Clanless [CLEAN]
king1104 Clanless [Pond]
Kitchen Witch Clanless [Arch]
kitz2112 Clanless [TxN]
Kromes Clanless [*ATF*]
Kundar Clanless [TLO]
Kvarek Clanless [Elves]
LadyHawk Clanless [C.]
LadyHazel Clanless [C.]
LadyPotLuck Clanless [Arch]
Lamb Clanless [CFH]
Larissa Clanless [Drunk]
LaurenciusX Clanless [=A=]
Leiali Clanless [~CR~]
LeMorse Clanless [CLEAN]
lilfirecracker Clanless [Choob]
Lilura Clanless [Dead]
Lipizzan Clanless [Cyber]
lizardking Clanless [TLO]
Logger8s Clanless [~FaM~]
lonelymom2 Clanless [Moria]
Lorannai Clanless [-OLD-]
LordBadger Clanless [Arch]
Lord_Tyranno Clanless [=A=]
Luna Yuhi Clanless [M+S]
Maddness Clanless [Manc]
Maddsheep Clanless [TSoH]
MadLad Clanless [*TF*]
Maggie Clanless [CLEAN]
Makarov Clanless [CFH]
Marsular Clanless [Dead]
masterhate Clanless [Elves]
Max Clanless [Corps]
Mazrim Taim Clanless [CFH]
McLovin Clanless [Arch]
meatman Clanless [B.W]
meh Clanless [Arch]
melter65 Clanless [Elves]
me_again Clanless [^GL^]
michaelj Clanless [*TF*]
Miknah Clanless [Hobos]
Mill Clanless [TSoH]
Mimi 1959 Clanless [CLEAN]
Mique Clanless [Choob]
Mirirra Clanless [Arch]
misanthrope Clanless [CFH]
Misteeq Clanless [Corps]
MMAD419 Clanless [TGA]
MNML Clanless [Elves]
Mona Clanless [TLO]
Mr Coffee Clanless [TSoH]
Mr Ridd Clanless [Choob]
Mr Tiddles Clanless [CFH]
MTB123 Clanless [Vibes]
MuckaTucka Clanless [Moria]
muffin dude Clanless [C.]
Musachi Clanless [Arch]
Muto Clanless [C.]
Mythlir Clanless [TLO]
Ner0 Clanless [S.o.S]
Neslon Clanless [Fangz]
nirvanaishdude Clanless [O.G.]
nlSomeNumbers Clanless [*TF*]
Nutfine Clanless [CLEAN]
Nymph Clanless [=A=]
Odoacer Clanless [~one~]
okietrader Clanless [~FoS~]
Oldredneck87 Clanless [C.]
oliver_queen Clanless [Vibes]
ooF Clanless [World]
Oom Thys Clanless [Snake]
Oromis Clanless [Arch]
Outlaw Clanless [CFH]
owl22 Clanless [CFH]
Oynque Clanless [*ATF*]
OzarKKrazO Clanless [~ADV~]
Ozymandias Clanless [Arch]
Palamedes Clanless [Arch]
Pandike Clanless [~FoS~]
Pantera Clanless [Dead]
patternz Clanless [TLO]
pedro Clanless [Hobos]
Pendragon Clanless [*TF*]
personer Clanless [CFH]
Peykal Clanless [V.I.P]
Phoinix Clanless [~FoS~]
pipster Clanless [TLO]
piranhattack Clanless [*TF*]
Pixie Clanless [*ATF*]
poley Clanless [TLO]
Preff Clanless [~FoS~]
Professor Clanless [~FoS~]
Puddles Clanless [Pond]
Puffy Clanless [CLEAN]
puff_dogg_990 Clanless [~FoS~]
Quadiam Clanless [TLO]
quagmire Clanless [O.G.]
Queenie Clanless [O.G.]
Quiqonky Clanless [Elite]
Quirinius Clanless [Elves]
Ragnar Clanless [~CR~]
Raicke Clanless [C.]
Raj Clanless [Corps]
ramasramas Clanless [=A=]
Rango Clanless [1104]
Ravir Clanless [-AI-]
Raw Clanless [Pond]
Razor Clanless [V.I.P]
redhdsrbtr Clanless [Choob]
Redwingz Clanless [~FoS~]
Resylencia Clanless [~FoS~]
Reynn Dogg Clanless [Arch]
Ricktimus Prime Clanless [~FoS~]
Riven Clanless [Vibes]
Rock Clanless [TSoH]
Rockma Clanless [Arch]
Rouby Clanless [TLO]
Runner2_14 Clanless [SWC]
Runnerbean Clanless [Corps]
Ruto Clanless [~FoS~]
Rydda Clanless [Arch]
ryry117 Clanless [~FoS~]
sabinking Clanless [Vibes]
Sahuagin Clanless [Onrac]
Sakalam Clanless [CLEAN]
Sal Clanless [Cyber]
Sayyadina Clanless [~FoS~]
scrappled Clanless [B.W]
Scy Clanless [Choob]
Seraphine Clanless [-TL-]
serfork Clanless [AoN]
Sergeant Sam Clanless [TSoH]
shadowmend Clanless [Arch]
Shady Clanless [Rmpg]
shcelin Clanless [UnOa]
Sherlockiama Clanless [Arch]
Shinji_Ikari Clanless [Vibes]
Shivers Clanless [TLO]
shrek1990 Clanless [Zen]
Sideer Clanless [L.H.]
SilverStreak Clanless [Nem]
skylineer Clanless [CLEAN]
Slow Clanless [Choob]
Smeagol Clanless [C.]
smitts Clanless [~ADV~]
soysoyrocks Clanless [Choob]
Specter84 Clanless [TSoH]
Spidy Clanless [Choob]
Spike Clanless [TSoH]
Spooff Clanless [~FoS~]
St0rmz_ Clanless [*TF*]
steel1 Clanless [Corps]
Stolo Clanless [~ADV~]
stone666 Clanless [CLEAN]
Swooshy Clanless [O.G.]
Syphon Clanless [Fangz]
Takk Clanless [O.G.]
tb12 Clanless [Corps]
TermaMatrix Clanless [Corps]
Tess Clanless [Corps]
Tetsuyo Clanless [PhB]
TeuT Clanless [-OLD-]
Tha_Junky Clanless [-TL-]
The Grim Reaper Clanless [Dead]
TheBeast Clanless [*TF*]
TheCaptain Clanless [Arch]
TheDoctor Clanless [TLO]
TheForestQueen Clanless [{S_C}]
TheGhettoBadger Clanless [Arch]
Theone89 Clanless [TSoH]
Thiel Clanless [O.G.]
Thorne Clanless [-AI-]
tiggger Clanless [SRN]
tim408 Clanless [TSoH]
TimothyP101 Clanless [Choob]
Tintin2007 Clanless [Corps]
ToberTheDino Clanless [CLEAN]
Toffy Clanless [Drunk]
Tora Clanless [Dead]
toumi Clanless [TLO]
Tug Clanless [~CR~]
Ukavast Clanless [*TF*]
undying Clanless [InGen]
Unlimited_ Clanless [*TF*]
V01D Clanless [__]
Valhalla Clanless [C.]
Valkyrie Clanless [Arch]
Vita Clanless [-N.M-]
Voodoo Clanless [V.I.P]
Walker Clanless [~ADV~]
warinc Clanless [Arch]
Warlordthurston Clanless [Arch]
Wifi Clanless [Arch]
wikid Clanless [InGen]
wildcoyote34 Clanless [TxN]
WildHeart Clanless [Moria]
Woody Clanless [C.]
woowoowig Clanless [TLO]
Wraith Clanless [Dead]
Xune Clanless [*MN*]
yandiman1 Clanless [~P~]
Yankee Clanless [V.I.P]
ying293 Clanless [Manc]
Yuuko Clanless [TLO]
Z3ll Clanless [Corps]
Zakkary Clanless [-^-]
zoefmaister Clanless [~ADV~]
Zomb Clanless [Tasty]
Zuvan Clanless [~FoS~]
Zywie Clanless [V.I.P]

Contacting us

Contact one of our admins in game through messages.


Help keeping us going and let us know what you like

Support Syrnia

Spread the word and get new players to the game. You can see how many players the game has here!


- Updated the Compare player tool slightly and fixed a few bugs

2024-11-29 Mr Tiddles

- New Personal Tools in the Calculators Section for players who are logged in.

2024-10-18 Mr Tiddles

- Added the Bosses Fighting Times to the bosses creature section so mobile users can view them

2024-09-29 Mr Tiddles

- New burn rate calculater in the calc section test it out and let us know if it needs adjusting!

2024-09-24 mazrim taim

- Farming Tool - Check out the new tool timer for your seeds on our home page above this announcement.

2024-09-15 Mr Tiddles