Meznolian [ Flowers ]

NPC Prices
Eully value0
Player Prices

Item Info
Event item:No
Quest item:No
Added by:Unknown
Added on:Unknown
Last edited on:Unknown

Last Updated
The price was last updated by 0
Item info last updated: 55 years ago
This shows when the prices of this particular item were last updated by a member of the TLGrounds staff.

How to obtain

Travelling on foot

Can be found while travelling on Mezno island on foot.

Used for

Flowers can be sold to one of Syrnia's Floral houses. If there are enough flowers in stock, players can send bouquettes to eachother there (costs gold pieces). The sender can attach a message to the bouquette which will be delivered to the recipient through an in game message. Each bouquette has a different meaning.

Contacting us

Contact one of our admins in game through messages.


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- The Market place on the Syrnia Forums now display on our front page!

2025-01-18 Mr Tiddles

- You can now view your yearly exp gains when logged in after looking at your Records

2025-01-11 Mr Tiddles

- Fixed an issue with the max hit calculater not being correct!

2025-01-08 mazrim taim

- Fixed a bug where the Cooking Calculator logged users out

2025-01-07 Mr Tiddles

- A new snow code has been added with alot less lag! Also on player scores page the pop up option works again!

2024-12-11 mazrim taim