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Damsel in distress or just clueless quest

Startling location: Castle Rose, Serpenthelm island
The strongest creature you need to fight to complete this quest is combat level 8.


  • Rose gate pass (500gp)
  • We recommend 8hp


  • 2500 defence experience
  • 1x Rose crest plate mail
  • Walkthrough

    To start this Quest, you need to get to Castle Rose. You can only travel to Castle Rose via Rose Gates. Rose Gates requires a "Rose Gate Pass" to travel to Rose Castle. You can purchase these at Rose Gates for 500 gold. Some player shops sell for a little cheaper.
    Once at Rose Castle, click on "Rose Castle Keep" and then click on "Talk to the Lord"

    You're right on time !
    A local young lady is said to have gotten lost outside of the castle walls and I would like you to go find her.

    Move to Rose Gates. There you will see an option to "Fight the panther". The "Lost Panther" is a Combat Level 8 creature. Click on "Fight the panther" when you are ready.

    The lost girl is being trapped by a panther, Fight the panther

    Once you have killed the panther, return to Castle Rose. Click on "Rose Castle Keep". Click on the option "Report to the lord".

    So you've saved her from a black panther ?
    Wow, looks like you shouldn't have been a second later !
    You got 2500 defence experience.
    You got 1 Rose crest plate mail.
    You have completed the "Damsel in distress or just clueless?" quest !


    - 8 hours of this week's highscores have been lost. We are slowly fixing this issue and rewritting a lot of old code so bare with us. Hopefully it will be fixed from here on.


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